Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Gig Review: Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Kesselhaus, Berlin, 26.10.2008

From Gigs
From Gigs

There's something strange about German Metal. Of all the places I've been, out of all the metal fans I've met, none seem to have such a penchant for hard music from their own country than the Germans. The view looking in from abroad may be restricted to household names such as the Scropions, or, more recently, power-metal giants like Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray, but there's a lot more too it than that. And it's metal not only from their own country, but sung in their own language, that the Germans really go for. Perhaps it's something to do with the taboo on patriotism since the end of the Second World War, music having been - up until recently and to some extent still today - one of the few outlets for feeling good about their heritage accessible to young Germans. Whatever the reason, German-language metal has a strong cult following over here - and head of that cult are Die Apokalyptischen Reiter.

An imposing name ("The Horsemen of the Apocalypse", in case you hadn't guessed), but nothing less than fitting. If there's one thing Die Apokalyptischen Reiter do well, it's theatricals, and this show was no exception. As a cover of deep red lighting and a thick cloud of dry ice engulfed the stage, a chorus of cheers and cries rippled through the crowd in expectation. Then as if by magic, the blood-red mist parted to reveal the elevated figure of lead singer Fuchs, and the opening riff to Revolution burst out of the house PA. From that point on, it was non-stop. The Reiter rocked through their setlist at a frantic pace, covering all the favourites such as Friede sei mit dir and Reitermania to noisy approval from their followers.

From Gigs

It was clear from the reaction throughout the set just how fanatic most of the audience were about the band, and every opportunity offered for crowd participation was enthusiastically taken up by a long line of metalheads of all ages. Though the small venue lacked the spectacular pyrotechnics on show when I last saw the band at Wacken Open Air 2007, the atmosphere was just as electric, and I sincerely doubt that a single member of the audience went home disappointed (especially not the girl who was invited on stage for the band to sing her happy birthday!). If ever there was a band made for performing live, it was Die Apokalyptischen Reiter. No matter where you're from, whether you like metal, or whether you even understand German, go and see them. Now. For tomorrow could be the end of the world...


Tin Tin said...

Aaah, you lucky bugger. Did you get hold of the Tobsucht DVD?


Ian said...

I didn't, no...I don't find I have the time for music DVDs these days, which is a shame really...